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Jute Goods Dealer / Stockiest in all kinds of Jute Products from Kolkata, India

100% Natural & BiodigradableEco-Friendly Jute Products

Trusted Name For ExportingSuperior Quality Hessian Bags






  • Quickview

    Twill Sacking Bags

    Twill Jute sacks commonly known as Jute Sacking Bags, are mainly used to pack rice, wheat, sugar, coffee bean, cocoa bean, peeper, shelled nuts and other bulky grain products, generally packing capacity for a weight range from 50 to 100 kg.
    Binnola 44" X 26.5" 2.00 lbs
    B.Twill 44" X 26.5" 2.25 lbs
    L.Twill 44" X 26.5" 2.50 lbs
    A.Twill 44" X 26.5" 2.62 lbs
    Sacking Cloth * 22" X 30" 11-24 ozs
    Corn Sack 41" X 31 " 1.75 - 2.15 lbs
    Cement Bag 29" X 20 " 1.25 lbs
    Coffee Bag ** 36" X 28" 2.00 lbs
    Grain Sack 60" X 30 " 3.25 lbs
    Sugar Bag 48" X 28" 2.50 lbs
    * Plain & Twill ** As per buyer's requirement. Untreated coffee bags available.
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    Hessian Bags

    Made from Jute Hessian Cloth, Jute Hessian Bags are an environment-friendly option for storing various agricultural products. Plain Jute Hessian bags are totally bio-degradable and easily blend with the environment. These bags, after chemical treatment are made rot proof so that they can withstand moisture and sun, for a longer period of time.
    Sizes Available as per buyers' requirement
    Sewing Herackle and Overhead (safety sewing optional)
    Color Natural, Semi Brite Full Brite, Bleached & Dyed
    Branding upto 3 colors
    Packing 500 - 1000 bags flat orx
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    Hessian Cloth (Burlap)

    Jute Hessian also termed as Burlap is a finer quality jute fabric that has been long used as the most preferred packaging material for all kinds of goods.
    Width 4lbs. to 28lbs.
    Weight 5 - 14 oz./sq.yd
    Color Natural, Semi Brite Full Brite, Bleached & Dyed
    Packing 700 - 2000 yds / bale or in a roll


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    Hessian Cloth (Burlap)

    Jute Hessian also termed as Burlap is a finer quality jute fabric that has been long used as the most preferred packaging material for all kinds of goods.
    Width 4lbs. to 28lbs.
    Weight 5 - 14 oz./sq.yd
    Color Natural, Semi Brite Full Brite, Bleached & Dyed
    Packing 700 - 2000 yds / bale or in a roll
  • Quickview

    Twill Sacking Bags

    Twill Jute sacks commonly known as Jute Sacking Bags, are mainly used to pack rice, wheat, sugar, coffee bean, cocoa bean, peeper, shelled nuts and other bulky grain products, generally packing capacity for a weight range from 50 to 100 kg.
    Binnola 44" X 26.5" 2.00 lbs
    B.Twill 44" X 26.5" 2.25 lbs
    L.Twill 44" X 26.5" 2.50 lbs
    A.Twill 44" X 26.5" 2.62 lbs
    Sacking Cloth * 22" X 30" 11-24 ozs
    Corn Sack 41" X 31 " 1.75 - 2.15 lbs
    Cement Bag 29" X 20 " 1.25 lbs
    Coffee Bag ** 36" X 28" 2.00 lbs
    Grain Sack 60" X 30 " 3.25 lbs
    Sugar Bag 48" X 28" 2.50 lbs
    * Plain & Twill ** As per buyer's requirement. Untreated coffee bags available.
  • Quickview

    Hessian Bags

    Made from Jute Hessian Cloth, Jute Hessian Bags are an environment-friendly option for storing various agricultural products. Plain Jute Hessian bags are totally bio-degradable and easily blend with the environment. These bags, after chemical treatment are made rot proof so that they can withstand moisture and sun, for a longer period of time.
    Sizes Available as per buyers' requirement
    Sewing Herackle and Overhead (safety sewing optional)
    Color Natural, Semi Brite Full Brite, Bleached & Dyed
    Branding upto 3 colors
    Packing 500 - 1000 bags flat orx


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet isse potenti. Vesquam ante aliquet lacusemper elit. Cras neque nulla, convallis non commodo et, euismod nonsese. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium.

Store Address

No.1 Abbey Road,

Call: +44 (0) 800 123 4567

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 10am to 7pm
Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Sunday: 12am t0 4pm


Exports Shrink Due to High Cost
Exports Shrink Due to High Cost
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Jute Product Exports Shrink Due to High Cost Rising prices of jute goods triggered by steep raw jute prices have…

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Jute Sacks Lying Unsold
Jute Sacks Lying Unsold
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60 Lakh Jute Sacks Lying Unsold Some 60 lakh jute sacks, produced by eight state-owned jute mills of Khulna, remained…

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Jute Cultivation Area Rises
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Jute Cultivation Area Rises in State GUWAHATI, Dec 11 – The area under jute cultivation has increased in the State…

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